I decided to wait at least a week before posting anything about Wii 4.2 on my blog since I though it would take at least a week or two until a fix came out. Lucky for us, Nintendo was so dumb they only changed the title id of the homebrew channel so a fix was available within 48 hours (today). Talk about Nintendo failure. Anyway I'm not going to make another video on how to get the Homebrew Channel on 4.2, I just updated my already existing video and posted on my site and twitter to get the word out. So on to the fix and information.
Sep 29, 2009: Nintendo has released a new version of the Wii, 4.2. If you update through Nintendo you will upgrade to this version. This version deletes the Homebrew Channel and disables the bannerbomb exploit (v1).
If you've ALREADY updated your Wii to 4.2 use Bannerbomb v2 to get the Homebrew Channel:
If you HAVEN'T updated to 4.2 but you WANT TO use the Hackmii installer v5 (http://www.bootmii.org) to update your homebrew channel to 1.0.5 with it. Once your Homebrew Channel is updated you can update to 4.2 and the Homebrew Channel will still be there. However it is NOT recommended to update to 4.2
ORIGINAL VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDM8vBIwE6s