ARSC Hacks Blog

Keeping you updated on the Wii and DS homebrew scene! And now the DSi!

Sign up here! What happens when you sign up? Well, you get alot more extra benefits for example, you can post videos on our videos page, your videos could be entered in contests to win Wii points cards, you can also enter picture contests and win prizes too. You have access to our new "Hackers Only (members)" page where you'll find- well you'll have to find out for yourself ^^

Lets appreciate what we got for christmas and everyone have a happy new year! '09 here wii go!

The ARSC Site and forums have been redesigned! The site has had a new template and background change and the forums have a new banner that i've designed! Tell us what you think about the new site and forums and take this poll.

I will soon be making a page for members only (which means you have to sign up to see what's on it :D) This page will contain a copy of my ACCF Save (password protected and I will change the password every few days or so), pictures of all the hacks I or the other site admins have taken of their ACCF Town, A copy of mine or the other admins cheat code list (.txt file), and exclusive codes for ACCF That are hard to find (also full item list). That is not the only things that will be on that page, but just to give you an idea ;D. In the current non-member accf hacks page I have added a guide for ACToolkit and pictures. This guide is approved by ACToolkit's creator, Virus. This and more updates are soon to come. One more thing, I have added a New Events! page which is a calander of upcoming important events in ACCF and real life plus members birthdays.

I know i'm a few days late but accf has came out in the NTSC Region (Canada & U.S). In addition to the release of this game, We have added a new page called "accf hacks". Also we have changed the forums look and made changes to the "wii hacks" page, adding a few more tutorials including how to get the Homebrew Channel and how to play DVDs on your Wii plus more. Stay tuned for the upcoming fun zone page and a video I will make on how to hack accf (or any other wii game) for those of you that would rather watch than read. If you are wondering what the game is rated since the boxart to the left does not show the rating, its obviously, rated E for everyone.
New Look on ARSC Forums
1. I have added a new template, tell me what you think about it in the comments.
2. I have added new features such as "site updates" an affliates box for advertisement, so if you'd like to advertise your site then just send me an image at my email (
3. The ability to make polls (yes now you can make polls on anything!)
4. This isn't really a new look but the admins that we pick out of the forums will now have control over the main site.
5. We have now added a really cool chatbox, so check it out!
ACCF Hacks Page
Countdown timers for both games have been added. A slideshow of how people hacked the game have been added. If you take pictures of your town hacked or not you can email them to me so I can add them to the slideshow. Later I will add two different slideshows for hacking accf and not hacking accf. If you have videos of your town hacked or not I recommend you join the videos page and register so you can add your own videos.

I have added a video page to ARSC that include all the YouTube videos of DsHacker14(me) and later will have more videos including a "DS Hacks" section and "Wii Hacks" section. Also we have a new admin that has recently joined the site, his acc name is Shann0116(Sean) and he will also be posting in this blog aswell as editing the main site and possibly forums. We are yet to look foward to the "Fun Zone" which Shann0116 or I will be adding and editing until we post on this blog for further news concerning this new page.

I will soon add a new page to the site called, "Videos". On that page I will add all the hacking related videos on YouTube that I have made and that others have made that I find useful. So if you want me to add a video to the page then please e-mail me the link at and I will review the video. Please do not send me videos that are about hacking the same program I already have a video of. Of course, if I find the video that you sent me better than a previous video (more detailed/understandable/better explained etc.) I will replace it. Also I want to take a vote of if you think we should add a "Fun Zone" which will include games, pictures, chat rooms, music, etc. that people can use to have fun or just chill. Take the poll here!

I have added a new page called, "ISO Loader guide" that explains step by step on how to be able to run ISOS on your soft modded wii. Also I have added many new homebrew applications and games so you can check them out at the site links click "Download Center" and I've also gotten access to D3Y's (famous Animal Crossing music remixer XD) music which is available for download. There is a music player where you can listen to his songs and see if your interested in downloading them for free. To download them click on the banner that says, "check out D3Y's AC remixes HERE!" and register at soundclick to be able to download them. I recommend this because if you would listen to his songs they sound pretty sweet. In other news I have decided to make this RSS Feed contain all the news and changes that are made to ARSC instead of the home page because it clutters it up with to much information. So if you haven't subscribed to this feed you should if you want to recieve news, updates, changes, and stuff of that matter. You could also download the toolbar if you haven't already at: Not only will I be putting site changes here but also the latest Nintendo news.

Hey everyone! Over the past week there has been many updates to the main site and the forums. I have added 2 more subscriptions for ACWW which completes all the versions except the Japanese version. I have also added the Download Center where all the files from all the pages on ARSC are found and files that users post in the forums. As for the ARSC Forums, we are in need of moderators and Administrators. If you are interested in being a mod/admin, register at and Private Message Thunder13 and include why you think you should be a mod/admin, if you've had experience with any forums, and what you could do to improve the main site and the forums. If you are accepted as a Moderator you can :
1. Help run/organize the forums.
2. Give ideas about improving the main site (credit will be given).
3. Manage the ARSC toolbar (including adding site links, podcasts, rss feeds, and gadgets.)
If you are accepted as an Administrator you can :
1. Run/Organize the forums.
2. Help Manage the main site (with the freewebs site manager [html experienced users are greatly appreciated] add subscriptions, files to download, and you can add your own subscriptions). Credit will be given to those that help run the site & forums.
3. Manage the ARSC toolbar (same as Moderator).
4. Contributing to RSS feeds (making a feed like this one except your the author and credit will be given to you).

Well thats it for the privileges. See you next time at the ultimate AR Subscription site on the web, Action Replay Subscription Central!